The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) occupies the northern and eastern reaches of Cyprus, with scheduled flights from London, Manchester and other regional airports providing means of entry. If flying to Ercan Airport or Geçitkale Airport, North Cyprus’ two international landing points, passengers must transit briefly in Turkey. No visa is required for British or EU citizens wishing to visit or cross between the northern and southern parts of the country, meaning those wishing to fly into Larnaca and Paphos can easily commute to the north of the island in just over an hour. There are seven crossings for those making the journey, including a free border walkthrough at Ledra Street. Car hire is reasonable and offers an effective, viable means of exploration, with left-hand side driving an added bonus. A local network of shared taxis known as dolmuş operate a myriad of routes and is an alternative option to getting around.

Brits won’t need to pack the phrase book, as English is considered a second language after Turkish, especially in the hotspot of Kyrenia. The currency is Turkish lira, meaning your well-earnt money goes further here. This means life is much less costly than its southern counterpart. Euros and Pound sterling are still widely accepted in many establishments; for a spending spree, the mall in Famagusta will appease shopaholics. As the sun sets, a wealth of traditional Turkish music shows can be experienced, and travellers can rest in the knowledge North Cyprus is virtually a crime-free zone after dark. 

Visit the Visa & Entry page for more detailed information.